Sea Case Presented on the Part of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration Appendix, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) download

Sea Case Presented on the Part of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration Appendix, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) download

Sea Case Presented on the Part of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration Appendix, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint). Bering Sea Tribunal of Arbitration

Sea Case Presented on the Part of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration Appendix, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
Author: Bering Sea Tribunal of Arbitration
Page Count: 132 pages
Published Date: 15 Jun 2016
Publisher: Forgotten Books
Publication Country: United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781330548356
Download Link: Sea Case Presented on the Part of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration Appendix, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)

Excerpt from Sea Case Presented on the Part of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration Appendix, Vol. 2 Des vaisseaux de la marine Imperiale viennent d'etre expedies pour veiller au maintien de cette disposition. Elle nous paroit aussi legale quelle a ete urgente. Car, sil est demontre que le Gouveruement Imperial cut eu a la rigueur la faculte de fermer entierement aux etrangers cette partie de lOeean Paeifique, que hordent nos possessions en Amerique eten Asie, a plus forte raison le droit en vertu duquel il vient dadopter une mesure heaucoup moins generalement restrictive doit nc pas etre revoque en doute. Ce droit est en efiet universellement achnis, ct toutes les Puissances Maritimes lont plus ou moins exerce dans leur systeme colonial, Enfin, lusage que le Gouvernement Imperial vient den faire en faveur de la Compagnie Russe-Americaine, ne sanroit prejudicer aux intcrets daueune nation attendu quil nest guere a supposer, quoutre les exceptions speeilices dans notre Reglement, un vaisseau etranger quelconque puisse avoir des motifs reels et legitiines pour relaeher aux Etahlissemens Itusses. La Cour Imperiale aime done a esperer que les Puissances auxquelles ee nouveau Reglement est communique reconnoitront les considerations majeures qui lui ont servi de base, et que, par une suite des relations de paix et de bonne harmonie qui suhsistent entre elles etla Russie, elles nhesiteront pas a imposer a leurs sujets respectifs le devoir de sy eonformer strictement, atln de prevenir les inconveniens auxquels une contravention de leur part donneroit lieu necessairement. Les ofticiers commandant les hatimens de guerre Russes qui sont destines a veiller dans lOeean Paciiique au maintien des dispositions susmentionnees, ont reeu lordre de commencer a les mettre en vigueur envers eeux des navires etrangers qui seroient sortis dun des ports de l'Europe apres le 1st Mars, 1822, ou des Etats-Unis apres le 1 Juillet. A dater de ces epoques aueun navire ne pourra plus legalement pretexter lignoranee du nouveau Reglement. Le Soussigne saisit, &c. No.2. The King's Advocate to the Marquis of Londonderry. - (Received November 22.) My Lord, Doctors' Commons, November 20, 1821. I Am honoured with your Lordships commands signified in Mr. Plantas' letter of the 15th instant, transmitting a note from the Russian Envoy, inclosing a printed copy of an Edict for regulating foreign trade with the Aleutian Islands, and other possessions on the north-West coast of America, appertaining to Russia. And your Lordship is pleased to request that I would take the tenour of the Regulations therein contained into consideration, and report thereon for your Lordship's information. In obedience to your Lordship's directions I have the honour to report that it appears to be the object of this communication to obtain indirectly from His Majesty's Government an acknowledgment of territorial rights which are assumed by Russia over a portion of sea that may become of great importance with reference to the trade of that part of the World, and the discoveries which are now directed to that quarter. The communication indirectly asserts an exclusive right in the sovereignty "d'une mer fermee, sur l'espaee de mer, dont les possessions" (from Behrings Straits to 51 north, on the West coast of America, and 45 north on the coast of Asia) ferment les limites, and it proceeds to announce as a qualified exercise of that right the exclusion of all foreign ships, under pain of confiscation, from approaching within 100 miles of those coasts. The extent of territory so assumed is much greater than is ordinarily recognized by the principles of the law of nations. And I humbly submit whether it may not he expedient to declare the intention of His Majesty's Government to adhere to those principles, with such observations as may he deemed expedient to deprecate any ."

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